
Long Day


April 7, 2012 by Shannon

It was a long one today.  We all got up at around 4 in the morning because I had a medical test and it happened to be an hour away.  After my appointment we went out for breakfast, took the little one to see the Easter Bunny and then headed home.  The dogs were of course very excited to see us.

We took an early evening walk and it was beautiful out.  It had rained briefly earlier in the day and cooled everything off so we had fabulous cool breezes as we walked the neighborhood.  We get our fair share of gawkers, folks commenting as they pass by, and then the occasional–and very annoying–“Is that a female?  Is she fixed?  I have a male Pit Bull…”  Riiiiight.  No thanks.  I simply smile and tell them she is spayed and keep walking.  I once had a guy actually pull over, roll down his window and say, “Is that a Corsica?  I have a female I want to breed.  Is that a male?”  Ok so number one: you don’t even know what you have, and number two: you’re just willing to randomly throw two dogs together.  Nice.  Again, no thanks.  It is so frustrating when people put so much effort into breeding dogs and there are idiots out there just tossing dogs together with no regard for genetics, temperament or anything else but their own wallets.  If you’re doing it right, you’re never going to get rich from breeding dogs.   You will more than likely be reasonably deep in debt.

((Stepping off soapbox now))

Rama enjoyed her walk anyway, as did the rest of us.  The rest of the day has been fairly quiet as all but one of the kids are gone until Saturday night.  Tomorrow will be another early day.  We are having a garage sale.  I need to start weeding everything out of our garage to make more room for dog things as well as a future whelping area.  We are planning on putting a shed in the back so the more stuff I can get out of that garage, the less stuff I have to haul out back to a shed.

I need to hurry off to bed now.  Morning will come awfully early.  Good night everyone!

One thought on “Long Day

  1. Raelyn says:

    How about telling people the truth about Rama? “No. SHE is not a Pit Bull.” “SHE is a GIRL.” Emphasize yourself when you are speaking about HER sex!! I had to do that with my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE German Shepherd/Golden Retriever cross, Shadow…. For whatever reason, people thought she was a boy!! ;op

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